Planning Fees

Why choose us?

Still have some hesitations whether cooperation with us is worth the trouble? Check the reasons why you should choose us among other companies!

Insider Access & Exclusive Privileges

You’ll be privy to deals and customized opportunities not available to the general public, thanks to our global network of contacts. Our clients have access to exclusive and unique perks around the world, from complimentary spa treatments to free hotel nights to dinner for two under the stars.

Easier Choices

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when a Google search for “Mediterranean vacation” comes back with literally millions of hits. Let us help you narrow down the choices, based on your travel dreams.

Personalized Service

We take the time to get to know your travel preferences and can ensure a vacation that is perfectly tailored to your whims and fancies. We've traveled the world as travel designers for over 25 years, learning the ins and outs of the travel industry and will put that expertise to work for you.

Comfort & Security

Let us expect the unexpected. We’ll be your advocate, anticipating your needs, solving any problems that may arise and ready to plan your next adventure when you return home.

Virtuoso Connections

As our client, you’ll be introduced to the world’s finest travel network of hotels, cruise lines, airlines and tour companies. This means access to exclusive travel offers you can’t get on your own, and the best value for your vacation dollar.

Researching Air, Cruise, and Custom Travel options can be time consuming, so let us give you that time back!

  • Air Research Only



  • 83

    Cruise Research Only



  • Custom Travel Itinerary



Your Travel Planning Fee Includes

● Consultation and collaboration on the scope of the trip● Custom travel planning by your travel specialist● Review of your travel itinerary and modifications as needed● Review of all necessary travel requirements● A full review of insurance protection options● Plenty of travel inspiration● 24/7 concierge travel assistance while you are traveling

The Trip of a Lifetime Awaits You.
Are You Ready?